How to Connect Propane Tank to Grill

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Come summer, those warm, sunny days will have you spending as much time as possible outdoors. Instead of a boring meal that takes you hours to prepare in the kitchen, it’s time to fire up the barbecue and grill a few delicious treats for the family.

Safety is key when using a grill, and knowing how to connect a propane tank to your grill safely can mean the difference between a delicious meal and a disaster.

We’re here to teach you the basics of how to connect a gas or propane tank to a grill.

The Benefits of Using Propane

Propane is a popular alternative to other gasses and charcoal for use with your grill.

Here are a few advantages you can expect when choosing propane:

  • Propane gas burns hotter than regular gas or charcoal, saving you time while grilling your meats.
  • A propane tank and grill are portable, allowing you to set up your grill almost anywhere.
  • Using propane gas for your grill allows for more even temperature control.
  • Propane is more versatile than any other gas or charcoal and can be used in a variety of different cooking methods.
  • Propane reduces carbon dioxide emissions into the air, making it an eco-friendly option.

Connection Tips and Tricks

Before you connect a propane gas tank to your grill, here are a few tips and tricks you should know.

Tip #1: Check the gas levels before you connect the tank. Using a pressure gauge, assess the amount of gas you have in the tank before you go through the hassle of connecting it, only to find that your gas tank is empty or that there is not enough gas to grill your meat.

Tip #2: Always follow safety precautions when dealing with gas tanks and grills. Here are just a few of the most important safety measures you should follow:

  • Inspect your gas tank closely for damage. Your gas tank should remain in good condition, even if you have it refilled rather than buying a new tank each time. If your tank is dented and damaged, it might be time for a replacement.
  • Inspect the rubber valve inside the tank. The valve should be round and free of cracks or splits. While you can expect some wear and tear on the valve as the tank ages, keeping your valve in the best condition is important to prevent dangerous propane gas leaks.
  • Always follow the instructions of the manufacturer in terms of storing, connecting, and inspecting your propane gas tank.

The Five Steps to Connecting your Propane Tank

Connecting a propane tank to your grill is not exactly rocket science or a difficult task, but there are a few important things you should be aware of to ensure that your tank is secure and that you have connected everything correctly.

Incorrect connections can damage the connectors on your tank and grill, and lead to dangerous and possibly fatal gas leaks.

Step #1: Check the size of the tank

Is your tank the correct size to connect to the grill? Note the recommended tank size and fittings in your grill’s instruction guide. Certain grills are only designed to be used with a specific-sized tank, so check these details closely before you connect the tank and fire up your grill.

Step #2: Secure the tank

A propane tank should be secured to the base of your grill. There are grills that include a bracket or tightening bolt to secure the propane tank; choose one that does make your life a bit easier. If your grill does not have any of the handy additions to secure your tank, you can safely store your gas tank under the grill.

Step #3: Check that the gas lever or valve on your propane tank is shut tight

The gas lever or valve should remain closed while the grill is not in use. Gas leaks can lead to dangerous consequences, so ensure that your valve is closed before you connect the tank to the grill. The gas lever should have an arrow to indicate which way to open or close the gas valve; be sure to learn how to do this properly to avoid any mishaps.

gas barbecue grill

Step #4: Connect the tank to the grill

Match up the connection hose of the grill to the tank and secure it tightly. You can tighten it by hand or use a wrench to ensure that there are no gas leaks. Try to line up the connections as evenly as possible to prevent cross-threading and damage to the valves.

Step #5: Always check for leaks before grilling

Wait – another check for leaks? Yes. Using a spray bottle filled with water and a few drops of your choice of dish soap, spray the connections. The appearance of bubbles in the water will indicate that your connection is not secure and that gas is leaking out of one of the valves. Turn off the gas, re-connect the hose and tank, and repeat the process with the spray bottle. If there are still bubbles, it might be necessary to replace the connectors or valves.

Caring For Your Propane Tank

Always close your propane tank valve once you have finished grilling. While some disconnect the hose as an extra safety precaution, this is not necessary as long as you ensure that the valve stays closed.

Store your tank in a cool place out of direct sunlight and ensure that it is secured tightly to your grill.

Always read any and all instructions that come with the tank and grill, and adhere to the restrictions laid out by the manufacturer.


Connecting a propane tank to your grill is made easy when you follow the steps we have laid out above. Follow these steps closely to ensure a proper connection and remember to turn the gas valve off when you have completed your cooking.

Always follow the highest safety measures possible and store your propane tank in a cool, dry place.

You can choose to refill your gas tank rather than purchase a new one each time, but do remember that wear and tear could lead to more serious damage and result in a gas leak. Replace your gas tank at least once a year or have it serviced regularly to keep it in tip-top condition.

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